+62-21 4585 2506 +62-21 4585 2505

Liquid Filter and Housing

Various industrial fields which are becoming more precise andcomplicating recently, the materials and enviroment arerequested,first of all,to be cleaner and purer than those used in theother industrial fields.


title danmen data
Liquid Filters
PeplynPlus PEPLYN PLUS liquid filter cartridges are utilised for the clarification and prefiltration of a wide range of products in the pharmaceutical, beverage, ultrapure water and fine chemical industries.
PleatflowN PLEATFLOW N filter cartridges have been designed specifically for oil field applications and can be used as a polishing filter for injection water or to filter completion fluids, protecting the well and removing dirt from brines that can lead to a decrease in productivity.
Liquid Housing
HIL HIL Industrial single-element liquid housing
VILCEMulti VILCE Multi Multi-element industrial liquid housing
VSHCEMulti VSHCE Multi Multi-element sanitary liquid housing




Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok J Kav. No. 1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240, Indonesia

Phone Number

+62-21 4585 2505


+62-21 4585 2506