+62-21 4585 2506 +62-21 4585 2505

Atlantium Uses Fiber-Optic Principles to Recycle UV Photons

Optimized UV efficiency
  • High-grade quartz water disinfection chamber surrounded by an air block uses a fiber-optic phenomenon known as Total Internal Reflection (TIR) to recycle light photons
  • UV photons emitted by the lamp cannot penetrate the air block and are repeatedly bounced back into the water (a phenomenon in fiber-optics known as total internal reflection)
  • UV light photons are distributed across the entire water volume so that all microorganisms are reached and inactivated
Reduced energy use
  • Increased efficiency for each UV photon means that less UV energy achieves the same results
Optimized hydraulics
  • Water flow is synchronized to match the pattern of UV light distribution
  • There are no parts, baffles or brushes in the water disinfection chamber to block UV photons from reaching microorganisms, or surfaces that could be subject to biofilms
Uniform dose distribution
  • Atlantium systems uniformly deliver the same UV dose throughout the disinfection chamber
  • The entire volume of water undergoes efficient disinfection and no microbes can escape full treatment
Cross-section of Atlantium unit showing high-grade quartz water disinfection chamber with thick lamp tubes separating the UV lamps from the water

Validation tests conducted by HDR/HydroQual Inc.used dyed microspheres to characterize different UV systems’ true dose distribution. The tests consistently demonstrated that the Atlantium system uniformly delivers the same UV dose throughout the water with no low-dose tracks. This prevents waste of energy and ensures that the entire volume of water undergoes disinfection and no microbes can escape full treatment.



Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok J Kav. No. 1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240, Indonesia

Phone Number

+62-21 4585 2505


+62-21 4585 2506